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Meeting with Former Consul General CHOI Doo-seok of the ROK Consulate General in Shenyang
Diplomatic and Security News
Research Administration Division
2023-03-15 14:43
On March 15, 2023, the Center for Chinese Studies of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) invited Former Consul General CHOI Doo-seok of the ROK Consulate General in Shenyang for a meeting with IFANS and outside experts.

At the meeting, participants exchanged views on recent political and economic developments and trends unfolding in China, the current status of North Korea-China relations, and the ROK-China relations through a presentation and open discussions.

The list of participants includes: Former Consul General CHOI Doo-seok of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Shenyang; H.E. JEON Jaeman, Former Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Kingdom of Thailand; Counsel CHO Young Chun to the Center for Chinese Studies (IFANS/KNDA; Dean of Planning and Assessment PARK Ji-hyun (IFANS/KNDA); Professor KANG Seonjou of the Department of Economy, Trade and Development Studies (IFANS/KNDA); Professor KIM Hyun-wook of the Department of American Studies (IFANS/KNDA); Associate Professor LEE Hyo Young of the Department of Economy, Trade and Development Studies (IFANS/KNDA); Assistant Professor PYO Nari of the Department of Asian and Pacific Studies (IFANS/KNDA); Research Professor LEE Sang-sook (IFANS); and IFANS researchers.