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The Department of Education and Training is

교육현황 responsible for establishing and implementing human resource development policies. The Department of Education and Training is responsible for educating and training foreign service candidates and current diplomats.

It consists of Education Management Division, Career Training Division and Foreign Language Training Division.
The KNDA`s Education Management Division is in charge of operating the Program for the Diplomat Candidates, which was launched in December 2013, and officers for consular affairs.

The Education Management Division develops the curriculum of the program, organizes the program schedules and manage the relevant academic and administrative affairs, with training the diplomat candidates with diplomatic competence.

KNDA's Career Training Division conducts a variety of programs to educate diplomats and foster global leaders who will actively play a part on the world stage.

KNDA's domestic and overseas programs are designed to prepare foreign service officers to perform efficiently in a competitive global environment.

We also offer training programs for officers of other government ministries as well as for the public and private sector employees.

New programs for foreign service officer candidates will commence in December 2013.

It will replace the existing system of national foreign service exam to nurture elite diplomats who will meet the challenges of the diverse and complicated diplomatic environment of the 21st century.