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About KNDA



  • KNDA consists of the office of the Chancellor, the office of Planning and Assessment, the office of Education and Training, and Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security(IFANS)

The Chancellor

  • The Chancellor, with the rank of Vice Minister, heads KNDA and supervises research and educational activities as well as administrative affairs under the direction of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Dean of Planning and Assessment

  • The Dean of Planning and Assessment is responsible for planning a mid- to long-term development strategy and managing the administrative operations of the institute. These activities are carried out by three divisions
  • The Planning and Cooperation Division establishes and evaluates the operational plans of the Academy. It is also responsible for cooperation with major training and academic institutions both at home and abroad.
  • The Administration Division renders administrative services for the staff of the Institute.
  • The Diplomatic Competency Assessment Division is responsible for diplomatic competency assessment and diplomatic competency development program.

The Dean of Education and Training

  • The Dean of Education and Training is responsible for planning, organizing and implementing education and training activities of the KNDA. These training activities are carried out by three divisions. The Education Management division plans and organizes education programs for new recruits of the MOFA. Its two main tasks are training foreign service officer candidates and newly-recruited consular officers.
  • The Career Training Division is in charge of planning and implementing various job training programs based on career development levels and leadership training programs for members of MOFA. It also provides courses aimed at expanding the global capabilities of the Korean government for those working in governmental and public sectors. In addition, it makes efforts to deepen foreign diplomats’ understanding of Korea by providing various programs
  • The Language Training Division is responsible for foreign language training programs and conducts regular foreign language competence tests. it also plans and all overseas training programs.

Senior Executive Director of IFANS

  • Senior Executive Director of IFANS is responsible for planning and conducting the research activities of the Institute. These activities are carried out by the following six research departments & seven research centers: Department of International Security and Unification Studies, Department of International Trade and Economic Security Studies, Department of Global Governance Studies, Department of Indo-Pacific Studies, Department of North American and European Studies, Department of Strategic Region Studies and Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Center for Diplomatic History Studies, Center for International Law Studies, Center for ASEAN-Indian Studies, Center for Geo-political Studies, Center for Economic, Technological, and Security Studies.