본문 바로가기 푸터 바로가기

Foreign Language Education


  • Target : Employees of the MOFA
  • Duration : 36 weeks (twice a week)
  • Attendance : Approximately 600 participants annually
  • Schedule : (1st Term) March-May / (2nd Term) June-August/ (3rd Term) September-November

Objective of Education

  • To enhance foreign language fluency needed for carrying out diplomatic duties, increase the learner’s ability to debate in a foreign language on current issues, as well as cultivate daily communication competencies
  • To acquire fluency in multiple foreign languages in order to competently carry out diplomatic work while interacting with locally engaged staff while serving in overseas posts

Course Characteristics

  • Level specific lectures(intermediate/mid-high/advanced level)
  • Providing senior-level diplomats with a private tutor for advanced lectures to enhance fluency in foreign language
  • By incorporating newspaper, magazine, speeches, and other media into foreign language training, the learner will improve his or her abilities to carry out duties as a diplomat
  • Lectures on international official languages(English, French, Spanish, Chinese etc) and other foreign languages(Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Indonesian etc) are provided