본문 바로가기 푸터 바로가기

Program for Diplomat Candidates


  • Diplomat candidates enrolled in KNDA
  • Duration : 46 weeks
    - Semester course (28weeks) : 1st semester(14 weeks), 2nd semester(14 weeks)
    - Special course (18 weeks) : Intensive English course (5 weeks), joint education with National Human Resources Development Institute (NHRDI)(3 weeks), on-the-job training at Headquarter(4 weeks), field learning in Korea and abroad(5 weeks), on-the-job training report presentation(1 week), etc.
  • Attendance : 38
  • Evaluation
    - Comprehensive evaluation of integrity as a civil servant, expertise, diplomatic competency and foreign language, etc

Objective of Education

  • To secure extensive liberal arts knowledge as the basis for diplomatic activities, recognize identity as a Korean foreign service officer and cultivate the desirable integrity as a civil servant
  • To educate foreign service officers equipped with fluency in two foreign languages (English and second foreign language)
  • To acquire theoretical frames and tools for systematic analysis and understanding of diplomatic issues
  • To Strengthen multidimensional analytical ability needed for diplomats and practical ability to establish and implement optimal policies and alternatives

Course Subjects

  • SOM(Sense of Mission)
    - Public value building required for public officers
  • PCD(Professional Competencies for Diplomats)
    - Convergence education for professional competencies including diplomatic knowledge and practical expertise in global issues (international law, international politics, economy, etc), communications, networking and negotiation.
  • FLD(Foreign Languages for Diplomats)
    - English and Second foreign languages